Techworks Pro specializes
in repairs to:
- Studio and field
Betacam© VTR.
- D-2 VTR.
- 1 type C VTR.
- Studio and Field
Cameras from Sony, Ikegami and BTS.
- Switching, Titling
and Effects Systems.
- Lenses.
- High Resolution
- TBCs.
- Color Playback Adapter.
- Microwave and Fiber
Transmission Equipment.
- Satellite Systems.
Maintenance is an important part of your overall system. Whatever
it takes to make your system function in the best way possible for
you- that's what we'll do. We have lots of tricks up our combined
sleeves here at TECHWORKS PRO with our staff's thirty plus years of
experience in radio, television and video production.We go to your
facility on a regular basis, prepare a comprehensive report of our
findings and develop a problem list that you want addressed with
your input as to when, then at each scheduled PM call we'll tackle
that list of "little things" that bug you before they
become big ones.Whether you have an NTSC analog system, or an HDTV
high definition digital video system, or anything in between, we
can make it perform better than it does now, straighten up that
mess of cables you hate looking at, or fix that "little thing"
that you noticed a while back- that will probably get worse unless
it gets fixed.